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This Year
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Fall 2016

  • Microeconomic Principles – ECON 1102
  • Intro to Academic Discourse – ENG 0701
  • Leadership & Organization Management – HRM 1101
  • Law Beyond Borders – LAWU 0875
  • Quantitative Methods for Business II – STAT 1102

Spring 2017

  • Macroeconomic Principles – ECON 1101
  • Analytical Reading & Writing – ENG 0802
  • Legal Environment of Business – LGLS 1101
  • Gender in America – SOC 0851
  • Statistical Business Analytics – STAT 2103

Fall 2017

  • Business Communications – BA 2196
  • IH I: The Good Life – IH 0851
  • Tech Transformations – MEE 0843
  • Info System Organizations – MIS 2101
  • Marketing Management – MKTG 2101
  • Exploring the Cosmos – PHYS 0834

Spring 2018

  • Financial Accounting – ACCT 2101
  • Professional Development Strategies – BA 2101
  • Excel for Business Applications – BA 2104
  • Kids in Crisis: When School’s Don’t Work – EDUC 0823
  • Intellectual Heritage II: The Common Good – IH 0852
  • Data Analytics – MIS 2502
  • Data-Centric Application Development – MIS 3501

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