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Course Work

I have taken two upper level courses so far, they are MIS 2502: Data Analytics and MIS 3501: Data Centric Application Development. Both courses are centered around data manipulation and structuring data in useful ways.

In Data Analytics there were strong focuses in R, Rstudio, SQL, and Excel. This class provided a great ground work for me as an MIS major, it really showed me the magnitude of what I could achieve. An important assignment in that class was the Data Analytics challenge, which is only held in the spring semester. For this challenge we had to use all of our knowledge about the data manipulation tools  (Rstudio, MySQL workbench, Excel) in order to find popular trends in the data. It was really helpful to see that my major had huge real world implications and was completely applicable to the internship that I received the summer of 2017.

Data Centric Application Development has been by far my favorite course in the Fox School of Business, it was truly a joy learning PHP, HTML, CSS, and applications of SQL. For each assignment we had to manually check the code that was provided and fix it. Figuring problems out was the main reason I majored in MIS, Data Centric Application Development perfectly suited that figuring problems out requirement and suited the hands-on way that I learn. Overall, this class was a great base for learning other programming languages, which I will need to do because I am a computer science minor, and it will make me more marketable to companies because I had this exposure to programming.

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