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Career Interests

My career interests at this time are IT project manager, networking, and business analysis. Project management was my previous employment title, but it was in construction. My passion for IT is what made me pursue a degree in MIS. I have prior experience setting up LAN between computer, printers, fax machines, and plotter. A business analysis is also a position I have much interest in. I have a very broad business background and my “digital design and innovations” class sparked my interest in being a BA. Helping smaller businesses be more profitable is a passion of mine. I believe the IT knowledge I will gain from earning a degree in MIS will help me fulfill these career interests. Although at the end of the day I am going keeping and open mind to see what IT fields draw my attention. My main goal in graduating with a MIS degree is no matter what career path it leads me in I know it will make me a huge asset to my future employer.






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