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DecisivEdge, LLC. Summer Internship

DecisivEdge, LLC.

When: Summer 2017
Where: Newark, DE.
What: Rotational Internship with a small-mid size technology services company specializing in the financial industry.

While working as an intern at DecisivEdge, I rotated through three different practice areas, namely, Business Optimization, Quality Assurance, and Technology Strategy & Solutions Delivery. In each of these practices, I performed a completely different role and was able to see the business itself from every angle possible. Throughout my internship, I interacted with nearly every individual within the company, including both the President and CEO on a regular basis, giving me a broad network to mingle with. Overall, the experience was very enriching and an Enjoyable summer experience.

In the Quality Assurance practice, I was able to partake in test scenario design as well as test case design for an ongoing project we had, while also learning about automated testing and the direction of the QA industry. This practice helped me understand the different ‘mindsets’ one may have to be in for different positions, depending on the role and its responsibilities. In Technology Strategy & Solutions Delivery, I was ‘thrown into the deep end’ and asked to learn a new programming language, c#, and to program an application to be used in a client-facing project. It was a very lesson-driven rotation as I learned how to deal with something unexpected and seemingly overwhelming. I was also able to shadow a few employees and their specific roles, such as Database Administrator and .NET Developer. Lastly, in Business Optimization I was given various Project Management related tasks contributing to specific ongoing projects and other business needs. I was also entrusted with recreating a client-facing presentation in the form of a sales pitch for a certain business solution that we sell and host.

Overall, the experience at DecisivEdge was an amazing one which I feel was very valuable and taught me many lessons. Nothing can compare to the immersion into the actual business world, not even a bachelor’s degree worth of business classes. With a company as friendly as DE combined with its passionate workers and genuine desire for growth, there was really never an option to have a bad time. This company and internship experience was something that I will never forget, and look forward to keeping in contact with for any type of future endeavor.

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