Community Platform
  • Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Cloud computing
  • Content management systems
  • Cyber-security
  • more...
This Year
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My Interests and Hobbies

A view of Italy from the top of the Vatican

A view of Italy from the top of the Vatican

Digital Design and Innovation is my favorite class this semester.  In this class we act as business analysts for the Pennsylvania Ballet, we aspire to solve some of their real world problems by creating a phone app to enhance the experience of the ballet.  I am eager to apply my classroom knowledge from this and other classes in a real world career opportunity.

 My hobbies include traveling, golf, and other sports.  I have had the opportunity to visit Italy, Canada, Mexico, and other destinations where I studied different cultures and history.  Golf teaches me that practice, patience, and focus are critical for success.  I have played on a variety of team sports, including 16 years of baseball.  As an avid Philadelphia sports fan, my favorite team is the Philadelphia Flyers.

My dad and I golfing in Arizona

My dad and I golfing in Arizona

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