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Quality Assurance Intern at Spencer’s Spirit Holdings Inc.

Spencer’s Spirit Holdings Inc. has over 600 stores in malls (Spencer’s Gifts) and is responsible for opening and closing more than 1200 stores (Spirit Halloween) in a 3-4 month time period. spencer-giftsThe company is pushing for more online sales for both stores and is making changes to their website. While working in the QA department of IT I learned about different tools and the steps to testing an e-commerce website (Mobile and Desktop) in a UAT and production environment. My role while working here was to perform manual and automated regression testing on desktop and mobile devices using the tools Perfecto Mobile and Selenium Web Driver.  I worked with an offshore team to create and test the automated functions to be used to test the functionality of the website. I then found and document the errors on the e-commerce and mobile sites and reported them to JIRA, a bug tracking tool.
Spirit Halloween



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