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Personal Blog

This is my first blog on my new site so here is a little about me. I have yet to partake in an internship in my degree of study but all the useful resources Temple has to offer to help me find one for this upcoming summer excites me.  I do have many hobbies but the one hobby in particular or trade I should say is I am a barber. I have been running my own personal business since I was about 15 years old and still going strong. I taught myself to cut hair through trial and error, with very few errors. My clientele list started off small but in a short period of time I had 15 regulars clients and quite a few walk ins. I started off with hair clippers from a local Walmart and worked my way up saving the money to buy professional clippers, a barber’s chair, and the rest of the equipment I needed. By 17 years old year I had multiple barbershops calling me to work at their shop but I decided to stay independent because I enjoy planning my expenses out, organizing everything, and just the business side of things. I also took pride in running my own personal little business. This led me to look into the business field of study, which is why I am now seeking a Bachelors Degree in Finance from Temple.

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