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My Academic information

Pennsbury High School:

I graduated from Pennsbury High School in 2009.  I enjoyed my time at Pennsbury and took pride in my school work from a young age.  I made honor roll all throughout high school and graduated with a 3.5 GPA.  I played soccer for the school team and started as a mid-fielder.  Due to my success in the classroom I was given an opportunity to join the National Honors Society.  I am honored to be in such an organization that is so well recognized.

Temple University:

I am currently a student at Temple University which is located in Philadelphia, PA.  I am enrolled in the Fox School of Business as a current Management Information Systems/Finance major. I have recently got involved in a few Student Professional Organizations here at Temple. I am currently a member of the Temple University Investment Association (TUIA) as a junior analyst and look to become a member of the owl fund next semester. I also members of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) and the Financial Management Association (FMA) and look to get more involved in these two organizations as well. Additionally, I am a player on the Temple men’s club soccer team.

Current Coursework:

MIS 2501- Enterprise IT Architecture
MIS 2502- Data Analytics
FIN 3503- Corporate Finance II
BA 3102- Business Society & Ethics
MSOM 3101- Operations Management

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