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Technological changes, I want to tell you a story!!!!

This is my first semester here at Temple University and I just realized that the technology I was utilizing was outdated enormously. This MIS class actually made me upgrade my computer, because I wasn’t able to access the Pearson Lab through my macbook. I had to call Apple and tell them my model. After I spoke with a customer representative, he recommended that I upgrade my Macbook to snow leopard which is still not the latest edition, to the MAC operating system but at least I could take my weekly quizzes from home now. Anyway the customer service rep said if I bring my macbook to my nearest Apple store they should be able to help me with upgrading my memory module, so I took my laptop to Apple. So I go to the Apple store and they notice that my battery is almost falling off my computer and they also said my computer is considered vintage. I am not joking, she said that my computer was considered vintage because I had it since 2007. To make a long story short I received my snow leopard in the mail and I’ve installed it. Two days later my memory modules came in the mail with two chips. Unfortunately I don’t have a phillips head screwdriver that small, to open my memory slots after I take out the battery. At the time I could relate with the luddites because I hated technology at this time. I was very discouraged at first but knowing that I could upgrade my computer too Lion, made me feel a little better. According to the representative thats the highest I can upgrade, but of course I need to install my memory module first in order to do that. Also they don’t allow you to just upgrade to lion. I had to purchase snow leopard first than I can upgrade to Lion. I was extremely frustrated with this but I knew this was necessary in order to keep up with the future. In the end I’m happy that this class because this was a wake up call. Now my computer is compatible with my tablet and phone which is a relief but if you purchase Apple products you’re stuck with Apple, so love it or hate it.

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