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How MIS changed my Luddite lifestyle

In the beginning of the semester I disliked this class because I wasn’t able to access the quizzes or other assignments on my Macbook properly. It’s an old version because I received it in 2007, well it was actually a Christmas gift. At the time I thought it was unfair that pearson focused more on Microsoft than Apple software. I learned so much from this class and I feel more computer literate. I first upgraded my Macbook from a really old version to snow leopard. This gave me access to complete my weekly quizzes at home rather than at school. As the semester continued, we had more assignments untilizing technology, specifically computer assignments. I learned that the majority of the population uses Microsoft than Mac computers. I also realized that the world isn’t going to adjust for me and my Mac products, so I had to adjust to the world. I am blessed to have a friend who is very computer savvy and he actually takes apart computers and builds his own. He told me how much Mac computers hailed in comparison to Microsoft computers. He built a computer for me and he’s constantly upgrading his computer, which Mac computers limit. That’s because Apple wants to trap consumers with there repetitive products. He showed me a whole another world with Windows computers. I only spent $180 on it and it’s better than the computers that the tech center is selling for $100. We gutted my old desktop and managed to salvage any remaining parts. My desktop was so old that it still had those 3m floppy disks. Even though it’s obsolete, I like to keep it. I’m happy purchasing a refurbished computer with all the Windows office programs. My Microsoft office for my Mac only has excel, word, powerpoint and another program I never used. I was using Microsoft 2004 edition and sometimes when I wrote an essay on my home computer it wouldn’t open in school. I’m so thankful that I have Office 2010 now because I’m now able to complete my assignments. If I didn’t follow the technological trend, than I would have never been able to complete my assignments on time. I’m just happy about the changes that I made because I wouldn’t be able to complete future assignments without it. So this class was extremely beneficial to me in everyway and I’m optimistic about the future.

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