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EDGE Associate

  1. Information about the organization (e.g., type, size, location, specific division/department in which you will be employed)
    • Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD) is a global medical technology firm. BD has about 65,000 employees and has its’ headquarters in Franklin Lakes, NJ. I accepted a job offer from BD to be a part of the EDGE Rotation Program in the Global Services Department.
  2. Job function (e.g., overall role, assigned tasks)
    • As a part of the rotational program, the first year rotation is assigned to all incoming full-time associates in April. I am not sure yet which rotation I will be starting in. Some of the possible rotations include business relationship management, automation, security, global technology adoption, project management, etc. Last summer I interned for BD and worked as a business relationship manager for the corporate functions. With this role my tasks included meeting with subject matter experts to learn about the functions, researching multiple solutions to the business problem, and supporting implementation of the desired solution.
  3. How the job relates to your major (describe how you will apply course work to the job or which course(s) helped you get this job).
    • I know that I will use many management information system fundamentals that I have learned at Temple University. If I am placed into a business relationship management role, I will use skills I learned with Professor Lavin in MIS 3506 such as communicating with stakeholders and assessing the business problem. If I am placed into a project management role, I will use skills I learned with Professor Minich in MIS 3535 such as leading a team and managing an entire project. No matter what role I am placed in, I will be able to utilize the ability to learn about new technologies and communicate concisely and efficiently that I learned with Professor Doyle. I feel comfortable with my programming background to be able to communicate about technologies and understand code where applicable in any IT situation that I inherited from Professor Shafer’s course.
  4. Once approved, the description is automatically displayed in a post on your e-portfolio.

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