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Office Manager

Located in Philadelphia, Clean Air Council is a small member-supported environmental organization serving the Mid-Atlantic region. The council is dedicated to protecting and defending everyone’s right to breath clean air. The Council works through a broad array of related sustainability and public health initiatives, using public education, community action, government oversight, and enforcement of environmental laws.

I started at the Clean Air Council as a part-timer in 2015 and accepted a full-time position as an Office Manager in 2016. At the Council, I assist the Deputy Director and Administrator with bookkeeping tasks. I review, deposit, and account for donations from the Canvassers and online donations. In addition, I assist the Membership Coordinator managing Council’s database using Salesforce.

Maintaining the information of more than 10,000 donors can be a difficult task. By leveraging my background as an MIS student, I am able to keep the donor database constantly updated. I was introduced to Salesforce in the MIS 2001 class for the first time. Now I utilize Salesforce on the daily basis to generate customized reports which provide helpful insights for the decision maker in the company.

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