
Professor Edward (Ed) Beaver is an Adjunct Professor of Management Information Systems at the Fox School of Business.

Teaching has always been a passion for Professor Beaver. Being a professor at Fox serves as a capstone of Ed’s education and career theme of integrating Business and Information Technology.

Before teaching at Temple University, Ed worked for 35+ years at Rohm and Haas Company (later Dow Chemical) and his own consulting company. He worked throughout Information Technology, Supply chain operations and several businesses including Advanced Materials and Agro-Sciences.

He successfully led and contributed to several large, complex and global projects that required expert and creative integration of business and Information Technology disciplines. His contribution and ultimate success of these initiatives derived from Ed’s passion for leading and driving change that yields bottom line results.

For the last decade+ of his tenure, he was engaged in the global implementation of ERP systems (SAP). He was personally involved in more than 25 successful ‘Go-Live’ events (including a couple of the largest ever transitions from legacy systems).

However, Professor Beaver gained the most satisfaction mentoring and leading people and teams. His network and influence were widespread as a result of holding global leadership positions and having broad exposure to all parts of business and all regions of the world.

Ed holds:
– BS Engineering in Industrial Engineering and Computer Science (with Distinction) from Northwestern University
– MBA in Decision Science from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania
– MS in Engineering in Computer and Information Science from School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Pennsylvania
– Certificate of Business Process Reengineering

September 2024