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  • Business analysis
  • Data analytics
  • Design
  • Digital marketing
  • more...
This Year
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220 Points
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Relevant Courses:

  1. MIS 2101 Information Systems Mangamement- Gained understanding of diagramming, the importance and utility of MIS, and how to better use certain strategies within management
  2. MKTG 2101 Marketing Management- Gained understanding of marketing basics, pricing, and used simulations to bring a product to domestic, local, and foreign marketplaces
  3. MIS 2502 Data Analytics- Gained understanding of database organizations, how to utilize them, and what they can be useful for. Utilized R and SQL
  4. MIS 3501 Data-Centric Application Development- Gained understanding of computer languages HTML, PHP, SQL and more

Upcoming Courses:

  1. Marketing Research
  2. Value Delivery Networks in Marketing

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