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Audit IS/IT Intern at Nestle Purina

Nestle Purina is a globally competitive leader in pet care products. The audit team “works” for Nestle Purina in the St. Louis headquarters but audits for all of Nestle across the US, Canada, and Mexico.

My experience in IT audit was great. As an intern you are given the same role and responsibilites as the rest of the department. For our audits we had to plan for 2 weeks to determine what we need to test and how to test it. Then we conduct fieldwork to do the actual testing on site and meet with stakeholders to gain knowledge about their specific IT processes. Finally we have a week of wrap up where we make sure we have everything documented and issue the final audit report along with the rating of the audit. I learned a lot about how IT interacts with every department of the business and got to see first hand how much technology will differ from company to company (i.e. Nestle USA and Nestle Canada). I also got to audit the companies brand websites allowing me to look at the source code of each site and verify the sites are secure.

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