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Career Interests and Aspirations


Career Interests and Aspirations

The unprecedented growth we have seen in the tech industry over the past couple of decades is largely if not entirely thanks to the creativity and determination of not only those who pioneered and innovated, but also those who carried forward the vision of the world we see today. A world where we are connected to just about everything, and able to; share, build, and cooperate with people located on every corner of the earth, a place where the good is rapidly followed by the better.

Even with the speed that the tech industry has made the world evolve, I feel that this is just the beginning that the leaps yet to come in hardware, software, telecommunication, connectivity and indeed the tech industry as a whole are going to push us forward just as fast or even faster than before. Being in the middle of these changes, and playing a role in the leaps forward is something I look forward.

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