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Conferences and Events I’m Attending

Conferences and Events I’m Attending

I am attending plenty of events this fall, 2018. To keep record and inform you of events I have attended, I will be listing what events I am going to and my thoughts after the event. If you know of any other events you would recommend attending, please comment.


Front-end Crash Course: HTML and CSS: 8/21/2018

I went to these Thinkful coding classes with the intent of refreshing my coding experience. It has been since Spring 2018 since I last coded a website and wanted to revisit it. This was a free course hosted by Thinkful, and although it was basic it reminded me of some of the functions available with front-end development.

Build a Web App with Javascript and jQuery: 8/22/2018

I have worked with Javascript and jQuery once before last Spring 2018. I was introduced to the language, however I am not where I would like to be with it. This was a free course that reminded me that jQuery is just a Javascript library, and we dug into some of the animations behind Javascript a little further. Overall I enjoyed these free coding classes and plan to revisit Thinkful to dip my feet into the water of Python.


UX Show and Tell: 9/13/2018

This event is held by the Think Company. I signed up for this because I have a tremendous interest in UX Design and would like to learn more about it. The topics that will be covered:

• How Design Methods Apply (or Don’t!) When Making Games

• UX Across Products and Platforms

• The Benefits of a Collaborative Workshop: Making UX Research a Team Sport

• Designing Safe Spaces

I am looking forward to this event immensely and will be writing on it afterwards!

Super Meetup Philly: 9/25/2018

This is a technology networking event I am going to! My hope for this event is to meet more technology people and learn what they do in Philadelphia. Another goal out of this is to learn more about the technology meet up groups in Philly, what they do and how they participate in the community. When the event occurs, I will talk about my experience here!

NET/WORK Suburbs: 10/17/2018

This is another networking event for the Greater Philadelphia region. They are providing head-shots and resume reviews, so it will help me with my professional development.

TEDTalk Crossroads of Innovation and Convention: 11/8/2018

This will be my first TED Talk. They will be talking about innovation in the Chester and Philadelphia areas. I love Philadelphia, and look forward to calling it my home in the next year (I live in the suburbs outside of it and I lived there for about a year), so the community is important to me. I would like to hear about the people running the projects in the area and if there’s ways I can help. Once the tickets are released I am hoping to buy one.


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