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Fox IT Awards

This April marked the 18th annual FOX IT awards. Students, professors, and industry professionals came together to celebrate the prestigious MIS program at Temple. It was a great networking event as well. Many industry professionals were eager to talk to us about our career goals and aspirations. They told us what worked for them in figuring out what they want to for their careers and what made them so successful. The three industry professionals that won awards were John Turner the Vice President and CIO of 3m, James Rhee the CEO of Ashley Stewart, and Dave Kotch the Vice President & Chief Information Officer of FMC. They all gave great speeches but the one that really stuck out to me was James Rhee’s because he really showed everyone that he cared for his brand and did everything to keep Ashley Stewart alive. He kept mentioning his employees and thanked them for all the hard work that they do every day. His speech really motivated me because it showed me how far hard work and dedication can go.

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