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Hello and welcome to my e-portfolio! My name is Joel Varghese and I’m a student at Temple University majoring in the MIS program. I intend to graduate Spring 2015 and hope that my hard work and experience at several internships will serve me well after attaining my degree.  After spending a great deal of my childhood, simply fascinated by the growing technologies, and trying to find my stride in the Engineering program, I realized that my passion lies in the IT field and that my skills would serve best in a job related to this field.

And so, I carried on with my passion and knocked at the doors of Temple’s reputed MIS program and I hope to make my ground in the field and stand out from the rest! Through this page you will see my interests, aspirations, career goals and more. In addition, you will find attached my resume and some of my favorite links.

Thank you for visiting my portfolio!

Joel George Varghese

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