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SharePoint: MIS 2501 Extra Credit


The company could realize a net benefit of $1,936,025 over the next three years when we switch to using SharePoint. SharePoint is a platform that enables users to share and manage documents very efficiently. This improvement in efficiency would lead to a substantial increase in billable hours for our PMPs.

In our current system, our PMPs struggle greatly with sharing documents with clients and coworkers because there are multiple versions of each document and not every document need to be shared with everyone. Organization of document sharing is what SharePoint can provide our PMPs. With SharePoint, the user can create their own platform to share documents. This feature will allow our PMPs to create a much more efficient way to share, edit, and manage documents for their projects. This increase in efficiency will lead to a significant increase in productivity.

When we implement SharePoint, we will receive a total benefit of $2,090,025 over the next three years because of the increase in billable hours. The total cost over the next three years will be $154,000 which will be from the purchase of the hardware, software, and annual maintenance costs. In summation, we will receive a net benefit of $1,936,025 over the next three years after we implement SharePoint.

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