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Project Operations Intern

During my time at SAP America Inc. I provided support to SAP’s senior project managers, client partners and business units across North America for the collection, analysis, and reporting of information regarding project planning, scheduling, and monitoring of cost performance. I delivered high-level support to varying companies by managing operational aspects of many different projects. I have learned the project management methodologies SAP follows and am able to perform to the expectations of these projects. These responsibilities included maintaining the phases of projects and ensuring the roles of the project were filled. I also viewed the projects from a financial standpoint. I was charged with implementing revenue forecasts of projects and forwarding this information to project controllers. I would use these financials to analyze the status of the project and determine the best course of action to move forward. This combination of project work has allowed me to experience how large projects work and to ensure they are efficiently moving forward. These aspects have allowed me to greatly develop my professional soft skills and has taught me a great deal about project management.

I furthered my skills in data analysis and improving project operations by developing and implementing best practices and strategies. Along with this, I was able to analyze project scopes by learning SAP’s tools and systems and applying project management methodologies. These skills related directly to the courses I have taken at Temple as an MIS student. I have learned about project operations and implanting solutions through Digital Solutions and UX Design.

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