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Senior Systems Executive

  1. Information about the organization (e.g., type, size, location, specific division/department in which you will be employed)
    1. Cognizant Technology Solutions – An IT services company, 250,000+ employees, IT department (NSS)
  2. Job function (e.g., overall role, assigned tasks)
    1. Senior Systems Executive, my role will be to monitor our networks and provide IT support to our acquisitions, and to work on various technical projects for our acquisitions.
  3. How the job relates to your major (describe how you will apply course work to the job or which course(s) helped you get this job).
    1. In this role, I\\\’ll be working with a lot of projects and will also have the chance to be a project lead in some. From my previous MIS course (MIS3535), I\\\’ll be able to utilize the change management we\\\’ve learned and to take on a bigger role as a professional employee. Along with this, I can utilize what I\\\’ve learned in MIS3501 and MIS3502 as it\\\’ll require working with VMs and some coding.
  4. Once approved, the description is automatically displayed in a post on your e-portfolio.

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