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  • Business analysis
  • Data analytics
  • Database management systems
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Machine Learning Analyst

  1. Job function (e.g., overall role, assigned tasks)

I am not able to go into specifics as I have signed an NDA regarding the project. I apologize for the vagueness. I was participating as part of a team to train a Machine Learning model to pick up data from pdfs. I was also involved in an app development and testing process centered around this ML algorithm.

2. Examples of projects (e.g., list the projects you worked on and what you accomplished)

ML Model training – Labeled and categorized parts of pdfs to train model for comany application

General feedback – Tested and gave feedback on various  application parts.

3. What you learned and how it relates to your major (e.g., describe what you learned from this experience in the context of specific courses)

Through this  internship, I learned basic reporting procedures and development practices in the modern  workplace. I also learned about ML in a more practical form than I had previously experienced. This relates heavily to the MIS major because it forced me to put concepts  I learned in classes into practice in a work environment.


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