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Social Media Marketing- get the word out


This event was sponsored by Temple and the Blackstone Launchpad center

This event was help in the Blackstone Launchpad center from 4-5 pm on 4/12/2018

I learned about how to successfully manage a social media account on different platforms. Also how to create an effective message/post that will be received well and noticed by a large audience. We talked about different performance metrics to judge the success of you post as well as ideal times/days to post in order to reach as large of an audience as possible.

This relates to my career goals because I would like to get a job out of college and having a positive well known social media presence is a good way to network with potential employers and maybe land a job. Also as more and more people start to use social media having a positive image that cant be noticed by a large group of people is a positive thing.

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