Community Platform
  • Customer relationship management (CRM)
  • Data analytics
  • Digital marketing
  • Multimedia
  • more...
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Courses Taken at Temple University



Fall 2015 (Planned)

  • Business Communications
  • Integrative Business Applications
  • Digital Design and Innovation
  • Digital Marketing

Summer 2015 (Current)

  • Business Society & Ethics
  • War and Peace

Spring 2015

  • Consumer Buyer & Behavior
  • Information Management for Marketing Strategies
  • Intro to Risk Management
  • Management Operations
  • Financial Management

Fall 2014

  • Data Science
  • Marketing Research
  • International Marketing
  • Managerial Accounting
  • The Meaning of the Arts
  • Human Sexuality


Summer 2014

  • Excel for Business Applications


Spring 2014

  • Marketing Management
  • Race on the Stage
  • Business Statistics
  • Data Analytics
  • Professional Development Strategies


Fall 2013

  • Mosaic: Humanities Seminar II
  • Law of Contracts
  • Financial Accounting
  • Calculus for Business
  • Information Systems in Organizations


Spring 2013

  • Cyberspace & Society
  • Microeconomic Principles
  • Mosaic: Humanities Seminar I
  • Legal Environment of Business


Fall 2012

  • Macroeconomic Principles
  • Analytical Reading and Writing
  • Leadership and Organizational Management
  • Law and American Society
  • Pre-Calculus for Business
  • First Year Seminar I
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