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My name is Lucas Monteiro Bianchi. I am a Statistics student at Federal University of Mato Grosso localizated in Mato Grosso, Brazil. At the present time, I am participating in Brazilian Scientific Mobility Program sponsored by CAPES at Temple University. It is localized in Pennsylvania – PA. The scholarship duration is 1 year and 6 months.

As student, I had a unique experience in the academic research during two years. It was a study about some social characteristics of Brazilian immigrants to Japan and some factors that can influence the time of residence through a social approach and regression models, respectively. To set the data, analyses and plot the results I learned how to use R and Excel (and also, survival analysis on SAS), to show the results, I used programs as PowerPoint and Prezi, and to publish scientific essays I learned LaTeX and Microsoft Word.

I am grateful for your time learning a little about me. I am confident that my efforts will be a great opportunity to make your plans real. I am open to hear about your ideas and projects, please reach me at:

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