Mart Doyle

Associate Professor & Department Chair


In the summer of 2013 I designed, developed and then taught MIS5122 – Enterprise Architecture for IT Auditors.  We had a significant number of students trying to get into the ITACS program that did not have any significant background in technology.  Without this background they would not be successful in the ITACS program and would not be successful as an IT Auditor.  We were also missing out on revenue if these students could not be admitted to the program.  This course, often called a “Technology Boot-Camp” packed a full semester of technology content into 1 week to prepare students who would like to enter the ITACS program that were lacking a technology background.

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Contact Information

Fox School of Business, Temple University
210B Speakman Hall (006-00)
1810 N. 13th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Phone: 215-204-4684
Email: MDoyle@Temple.Edu

Office Hours

Mondays 11:30-1:00 and Tuesdays: 11:00-12:30

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