MIS 2101.401 – Jonathan Latko – Fall 2016

Required Course Packet for Purchase

Welcome to MIS 2101 Fall 2016 6-8:30pm at TUCC

 I will be not be using Blackboard to manage this course during the semester.

1. Bookmark this link. Our Class site is: MIS2101 Fall 2016   http://community.mis.temple.edu/mis2101sec401f16/ 


2.  You will need to purchase a “MIS2101 Course Packet”   You will not need to buy any other books or course material. You must buy this course packet for the first class. 

There is no required textbook for this course. There are assigned readings for each class posted on my blog site. They are available for free online. All students are required to purchase the MIS2101 Course Packet (approximate cost $9.00) and bring it to each class. This course packet includes all of the in-class activities that students will complete during the semester. Students can acquire the course packet at:

Main Campus: Ritter Digital Print Center Room 234 Ritter Hall 215-204-1543 
Center City: The Center City Campus Bookstore 
Ambler: The Ambler Campus Bookstore

Students must purchase their course pack during the first two weeks of the semester. Students must bring their course packet to each and every class. If a student is absent from class during an in-class activity or does not have their course packet after the second week of the semester they will not receive credit for completing the in-class activity. There will be no exceptions to this policy.


3. For the first class, please read the material posted under the schedule for week 1 in preparation for class.  http://community.mis.temple.edu/mis2101sec401f16/schedule-2/ 

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