Section 401 Professor Balton

New York Times Article 8/13

Please read this article from the New York Times by next week’s class time (5:30pm on February 5th).

NYTimes Article

3 Responses to New York Times Article 8/13

  • Interesting article, but one line really stood out (although it really had nothing to do with technology.

    “higher education has perhaps never been a better investment”

    Jumped out at me because for quite some time I’ve been seeing different “ads” talking about how the ROI on a 4 year degree is not worth it, crushing student loan debt that can never be repaid, etc.

    So I was curious where the author based that statement from.

  • This article resonated with me. I wouldn’t consider myself a Luddite as I have come to the realization that information technology is here to stay so one might as well get with the program. It has completely saturated our culture to the point where it has proven to be social construct that has spawned the most exponential growth. It made me think of an clip I saw by Sir Ken Robinson that stated that as a result of the way the educational system was constructed it has caused us, as a society to use “academic ability” as the dominant measure of intelligence while negating and or stigmatizing the otherwise beneficial wealth of other creative processes we as humans have great potential to demonstrate. I feel the same way about information technology, even as I am trying my darnest to embrace it. Please take a moment to watch the clip. Even if you don’t agree with me I’m sure you will find it entertaining.

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