Data Analytics – Section 1

Setting up R & R Studio

R is a widely-used, open source statistical analysis platform. RStudio is an integrated development environment for R – that means it makes using R easier!

You should install both software packages – R and RStudio! Don’t just install R or your life will be difficult!

We’ll be using this software to do some analytics! You can get a full copy of the software – PC or Mac – for free!

First download and install R:

  1. If you have Windows
    1. Download the installer file for R (this is a direct link to the install file).
    2. Make sure you keep track of where you save the installer.
    3. Double-click on the installer file and follow the instructions (just accept the default settings).
  2. If you have a Mac
    1. Download “R-3.2.1-snowleopard.pkg” if you have Mac OS X 10.6 or “R-3.2.4.pkg” if you have Mac OS X 10.9 or higher.
    2. Make sure you keep track of where you save the installer.
    3. Do whatever it is you “Mac people” do to install software! (I don’t have a Mac!)

Now download and install RStudio:

  1. Download the appropriate installer: Windows or Mac.
  2. Make sure you keep track of where you save the installer.
  3. Install the software! Just accept the default settings.

After both are installed, you’re always going to run RStudio, which will use R behind the scenes to give you a pleasing analytics experience!

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