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What is due for Week 7 – 10/10/2017

Individual Assignment:

Data Analysis Case:  Solutions-Plus Client Project Data Analysis

The Deliverables:

Use the ERD Blank Excel Template to:

  1. Create a Glossary of terms from the case
  2. Identify all the data entities that the Solutions-Plus Client Project Case will need.
  3. For each entity, identify all of the attributes that must be collected.
  4. Indicate the relationships between the different entities.

Use the tool of your choice (Excel template ERD Tab, Google docs, MS Access, Word, or Sketch on Paper) to create an ER or Schema Diagram to demonstrate the relationships graphically

Team Assignment:

Revised Team Project Scope based on follow class discussion:

  • In the third paragraph of the scope document’s problem statement, be sure to include the specific deliverables outlined in the Team Project Deliverables section of the class web site.
  • Review and adjust the project scope Objectives to ensure they are written as a measurable set of metrics in which your teams proposed solution can be evaluated against.
  • Please have an updated copy of the Scope document ready for review.
  • Please email me a soft copy of the Scope document of the updated document  as well
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