Temple University

Monthly Archives: January 2018

What’s due for Class 4 – 2/06/2018

Individual Assignment: Project Scoping

Create a project scope document based on the Modern Electronics / Distribution Warehouse case using the project scope template that can be found on the site under Tools and Templates

Reference the PowerPoint discussion deck posted for Week 3 – Project Scope

Please submit the assignment in hard copy form at the beginning of class on Tuesday evening 2/6/2018

Link to case assignment – Modern Electronics Distribution Warehouse Case

Link to Scope template document

I have posted 2 Project Scope samples under the Tools and Template section, these samples are not related to the case assigned, just wanted to give you a frame of reference when filling out the template

Team assignment due for Class 3 – 01/30/2018

Team assignment due for Class 3 on 01/30/2018

Complete the Team Project Topic template

Use the document to outline two possible project topics by identifying a project sponsor (be specific), a problem or opportunity that the team would like to tackle leveraging an emerging technology.

Please bring a hardcopy to share with me during class next week.

If you have questions please feel free to email them to me.

Week 2 Class Agenda – 01/23/2018

Class Discussion on Core Business Requirements, Project Stakeholders and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

Discussion topics will reference material in chapters 1 and 2 of the text book

Business Requirements and Project Work – Power Point Presentation

Studio work will be a team exercise to evaluate Core Business Requirements and Project Stakeholders  based on a sample case, teams will be required to turn in worksheets and discuss their findings

Case assignment – Warehouse Case – Stakeholder/Requirements

Stakeholder Template

Core Requirement Templates

Review Team Assignment for class

Team Project Topic Work Sheet

Week 1 Class Agenda – 01/16/2018

Agenda for Class 1:


Review course objectives

Assignments and schedule

Class Structure

Class Discussion:

Topic  – Introduction to Business Analysis

Team Building:

Team Members

Team Name

Identification of emerging technologies and business opportunities

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