Strategic Management of IT – Fall 2016

MIS 3534 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

MIS 3534 – Thank you!

Dear all,

I have competed grading of Executive Report #3 and entered the final grades to Gradebook and TUPortal. You should be able to check yours at MIS Gradebook ( right now and tomorrow (Dec 17) at TUPortal.

I am currently travelling in Europe for conferences and were not able to write comments to your reports. I apologize for it. If you’d like to know my comments, please let me know, and I will provide them after I get back to the states next week.

Please be advised that the final grades are firm and final. Under no circumstances will the grades be changed. I will not respond to any request for a higher grade or extra credits.

I would like to sincerely thank you for your hard work and contribution to my class so far. This semester was one of the best for me thanks to all of you! I very much appreciate it.

Like I said last Monday, if you’d like to keep in touch with me, please connect with me via LinkedIn at

Once again, thank you, and I wish the best of luck in your continued studies, career, and future endeavors.

Best regards,
– min-seok

Week 13 – IT and Your Careers – class slides and videos

Week 13 – Your Career (color).pdf

Week 13 – Your Career (bw).pdf

Amazon Go – (

Firms Replacing Derivatives Traders with Algorithms – Bloomberg (

Robot Journalists – The Daily Show (

Self-Driving Truck Makes First Shipment – CNNMoney (

Technology Kills Middle Class Jobs – AP (

The Future of CIO – CIO (

The Promise of 3-D Printing – TIME (,28804,2091589_2092033_2096601,00.html)

World Business – Legal Outsourcing – YouTube (!)

Online discussion questions – Dec 7

  • What kind of jobs are increasingly being replaced by robots and computers?
  • What kind of jobs are increasingly being outsourced abroad?
  • What kind of jobs will not be replaced by robots and computers in the next 30 years?
  • What should you do to survive changes in the job markets made by technologies?
  • Why can a successful CIO become a candidate for the CEO position?
  • What should be your competitive advantages as MIS majors or minors?
  • How would you convince your job interviewer who is skeptical of the value of MIS majors?

In-class discussion questions – Week 13 (Dec 5)

  • What is a jobless recovery?
  • What are the causes of a jobless recovery?
  • What kind of jobs are increasingly being replaced by computers and robots?
  • What kind of jobs are increasingly being outsourced abroad?
  • What kind of jobs will be neither replaced by technologies nor outsourced abroad in the next 30 years?
  • What kind of skills do these jobs require?
  • What does it take for you to survive challenges in the job market?
  • In a job interview, how would you answer this question – “Why should we hire you?”
  • If the interviewer asks what you’ve learned in MIS 3534, what would you say?
  • What would it take to be a great CIO like Mr. Barton?
  • What should be your competitive advantages as an MIS major that differentiate yourself from other majors?
  • What should be your core competencies?

We will play a two-sided platform game on Nov 28

Tomorrow (Nov 28), we will play a two-sided platform game, which is going to be with a lot of fun. Each of you will become a platform business operator (e.g. Uber, Airbnb) and compete with each other to attract more customers and make more profits!

Please bring a laptop tomorrow, and make sure to complete registration before the class at It’s free!

In registration, you can either create a new account or use your own Google/Facebook/Twitter account. After registration and login, go to “Class list”


and use this class code to join in MIS 3534 class. – EAD1-1F94-7DBD-9C25

Please complete this registration before 5:30pm, Nov 28.

Executive Report #3 Topic #2 – References

In-class discussion questions – Week 12 (Nov 28)

  • Why have Airbnb or Uber been growing so fast?
  • Without potential guests, hosts would not list their apartments at Airbnb. Without apartments listed, guests would not try Airbnb. How did Airbnb solve this problem?
  • Why is there a “Girls Free Night” at a night club?
  • What happened to EJ, an Airbnb host?
  • What would happen if Airbnb did nothing in response to EJ’s incident?
  • What are the policies in Uber to manage the pool of drivers?

Week 11 – IT-Driven Competitive Strategies (I) – class slides and videos

Week 11 – Strategy (color).pdf

Week 11 – Strategy (bw).pdf

Adam Nash from Wealthfront – CNBC (

eChoupal – YouTube (

FreshDirect – Business Insider (

Historic Blockbuster – Onion News (

Jeff Bezos Interview – The Daily Show (

Online discussion questions – Nov 14

  • How does Uber’s pricing work? How different is it from pricing of traditional taxicabs?
  • What would be reasons for city governments to ban AirBnb or Uber? How would you counter them?
  • What would be reasons for online education to be valuable to education providers or students?
  • Why are technologies of FreshDirect sophisticated and state-of-the-art?

In-class discussion questions – Week 11 (Nov 14)

  • What is eChoupal? With eChoupal, what is ITC trying to accomplish?
  • How did the old supply chain of soybean work?  Who are the losers and the winners?
  • What are the “choke points” in the old supply chain of soybean?
  • What are the benefits of eChoupal to farmers?
  • What is the other information from eChoupal to farmers?
  • Is ITC a charity? Why is it concerned about farmers’ lives and well-being?
  • What bottleneck do and Netflix eliminate?
  • How do FreshDirect, Uber, Airbnb, and Khan Academy disrupt the existing industries by address which bottlenecks?

Online discussion questions – Nov 7

  • In IT Adventures Ch. 10, why did Mr. Wells, IVK’s legal counsel, request to “pull the plug”?
  • What would have happened if Mr. Barton pulled the plug at the request of Mr. Wells?
  • What would be the worst possible ramifications from the incidents in Ch. 10?
  • How would you explain “set up parallel systems built from development files, then switch over the those” to your non-IT boss?
  • What are the reasons for IVK to disclose the security incidents? What would be the reasons not to disclose?
  • From IT Adventures Ch. 17, What is Mr. Williams’ point with respect to his poker analogy? What is Mr. Barton’s point with respect to his risk escalator analogy?