Temple University

Week 7 Reading and article

This week’s reading covered netcat. Netcat is extremely popular because it can be used for more purposes than just port scanning. This article talks about how to use netcat to open remote command prompt instances, send & receive files. It also covers how netcat can be hidden in a Windows NT environment. Something I found interesting is how the article mentions that netcat can be by defenders to see what attackers are doing by monitoring network activity from the attacking netcat instance. The article then talks about how defenders should not count on this as a detection method because netcat traffic can be encrypted when attackers use the cryptcat variant of netcat.

An article I found interesting can be found at


The article covers how pen testers were able to demonstrate proof of concept on how blackhat hackers can take control of non-networked vehicles. The article covers how such attacks can be done and what can be done to mitigate chances of success against such threats.

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