Organizations across the world have a gap in cyber security talent. With the RSA conference concluding this week the news articles this week seem to have the same theme that cyber security talent is lacking. Christos Dimitriadis, ISACA board chair, says that companies are worried that these unfilled positions in their companies can make them vulnerable to attacks. In the UK the government has put a plan in place to develop a greater interest in cber security amongst younger people. For us as cyber security students this is good news, however, we should be weary that even though many jobs are available companies will want to make sure that you are the right fit and could require higher credentials in order for you to become employed in their company.
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I agree with this article that there is definitely a skills gap in our field. It is tough for companies to find the right talent at the salaries they are willing to pay. Most have champagne taste and beer money! A lot of the strong talent seems to be getting absorbed by high tech companies, financial industry, and government contracts. These are high risk and usually highly regulated/audited companies that frankly cannot afford to have a skills gap. Therefore they are willing to pay the extra salary for highly qualified individuals.
Well, this should not be a surprise because most private organizations have not taken cyber security serious until recent years. Therefore, it will take some time before students realize demand is rapidly growing in this field. It won’t be long before cyber security talent’s demand catches up with software programming. In fact, these two will go hand-in-hand in the future because whatever is written will certainly need to be protected too. And one of the best ways to accomplish so is to have coders develop and implement proper security strategies. This is how to build on a solid foundation.