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Global Experience

Kyiv, Ukraine (1998-2010)


Psychologists and sociologists refer to someone like me as a third-culture-kid (TCK). The name is derived from developing a personal culture that is not our passport culture, nor the culture in which we live, but instead, a distinct hybrid of the two. Growing up a TCK taught me the adaptable skills required to integrate into a variety of cultural and social scenarios. Additionally, many times I have also seen these skills transfer into a school and work setting as well. I am very grateful for a childhood that prepared me for a life of adaptability.


Rome, Italy (Fall 2016)


While not Ukraine (and certainly much more beautiful), Temple Rome enabled me to return to Europe during the Fall Semester of my Junior year. I was able to quickly adapt to Italian culture with the help of the faculty and staff at Temple and my host mom. The sixteen weeks provided me with the old challenges of learning how to order a sandwich in a different language and simultaneously, the relaxation that comes with living in a different culture.


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