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Professional Experience

Contracting Operations Intern – Merck & Co. 

During the summer of 2017, I worked as a Contracting Ops Intern in the US Operations division at Merck. My project was to develop an end-to-end process map for the team’s functions. This first involved reviewing existing documentation and system requirements and interviewing key stakeholders to learn the actions of the team. As the final deliverable, I transformed the prior-standing documentation to a cross-functional Operational Solution, increasing operational level detail by 400%. Additionally, I authored a user-guide to increase solution clarity and functionality moving forward.

Teaching Assistant – Investing for the Future, Temple University

Since the spring semester of 2017, I have worked as a Teaching Assistant for Investing for the Future, a quantitative General Education course. The course is an introduction to investing and personal budgeting principles. My primary role in this position is to teach the weekly lab to a section of 25 students. In addition to this I have participated in the planning and development of an additional lab added to the course curriculum.

Undergraduate Researcher – Temple University 

During the summer of 2016, I worked as an undergraduate researcher, assisting a professor in the Marketing & Supply Chain Management department. I utilized Python and its accompanying modules to web scrape and gather data on 5,000 products, 840,000 product ratings and 140 product categories. After cleaning and organizing the raw text data, the information was used by my professor in his research on the correlation between price and quality of goods.

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