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Interests and Activities

Sports have played a very prominent role throughout the different stages of my life. I have always been an avid sports fan as well as an athlete. It is a great way to stay active and healthy while having fun, meeting people, and learning valuable life skills. During my years of participating in organized sports, I have developed a great level of discipline. Additionally, sports are a great way to interact with people with similar interests, and expand on my teamwork and communication skills. I believe that sports are a great way for individuals to gain valuable life skills such as discipline, teamwork skills, as well as a hard work ethic while in a competitive atmosphere. These skills which I have learned translate well into a business environment, as they are essential to success.


In addition to sports, music is another passion of mine. I am an avid music listener, and enjoy most genres of music, my favorites being alternative and rock. I believe that music is a great way to express yourself on a creative platform. It is also something which promotes interaction and bonding. Additionally, music is a great way to alleviate stress and can be a great pick-me-up. Music has taught me a great deal about myself and who I am as a person. Many studies show that music can tell a lot about who a person is and how they operate. It can be a key indicator of personality traits and I have spent a lot of time analyzing different lyrics and trying to uncover the deeper meaning of them.

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