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InstaFresh: MIS 4596 Project

InstaFresh is the idea that our team came up with for our MIS capstone project. The project required us to think of an idea for an app or platform then develop a business case for it. The team came up with InstaFresh, an on demand farm to table delivery platform which directly connects farmers and customers. Coming up with a creative idea that could also be turned into a profitable platform was difficult and it could not have happened without a lot of time spent brainstorming by the team. But as difficult as that was, the real work only got harder. We realized early on that not meeting proper deadlines would cause us to scramble to get our work done and we would end up with a subpar product. This is when we started to assign each other specific roles and made sure we completed them on time so that they could be critiqued and improved. Being open to criticism was another important lesson that this project taught me. Being open to and listening to our mentor’s and the class’ critiques of our work was one of the best ways we improved upon what we already had and resulted in a better product for our team.

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