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IT Project Intern

  1. Information about the organization:

Healthshare Exchange (HSX) is a Philadelphia-based nonprofit health information exchange formed in 2009. HSX contains about 20 employees. I was employed under the Technical Operations team.

  1. Job function
  • Manage and analyze data in HSX’s Redshift data warehouse using primarily tableau server.
  • Supported day-to-day technical operations
  1. Examples of projects (e.g., list the projects you worked on and what you accomplished)
  • Helped develop HSX’s Population Health Management Portal, an analytic tool that client healthcare professionals can use to analyze patient data in their hospital/system. The product is still in developmental stage.
  • Created an analytical for the HSX to present to the Pennsylvania Department of Health on disease outbreak monitoring.
  1. What you learned and how it relates to your major (e.g., describe what you learned from this internship in the context of specific courses).
  • Data analytics and big data were what drew me into MIS. I learned the entire process of data analytics, from gathering the data, cleaning the data, cloud platform, data warehouses, and linking the data to management and analytical tools such as Postgres SQL and Tableau Server. The experience had been immensely helpful in my career development and learning the skill of data analytics

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