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Pfizer Student Worker Program

This summer I had the opportunity to work at Pfizer Pharmaceuticals in the Pfizer Global Supply Plant Network division.  In my position as a Marketing and Communications Specialist, my job allowed me to work closely with SharePoint where I was able to edit, create, and validate data based on the needs of each Pfizer plant the produces drugs and products for distribution.  From this experience I worked with people internationally to collaborate on projects that helped to create a a standardized way to format SharePoint data in addition to validating that the data from an digital log that kept track of check in and check out.  I was also able to work on a think tank to create an innovative technology that would help to administer a drug to Sickle Cell Patients in a less intrusive way.  In addition, I developed a high level score card used by the Pfizer Global Supply Leadership team to indicate which areas of the Plan of Record (POR) needed to be validated and updated before the implementation of the new POR System.  This also enabled the organization to fix many errors on the SharePoint site and after a month of implementation 88% of the incorrect information was replaced with correct and validated data.

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