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Marketing Audit

Over the course of a few weeks, I worked alongside faculty advisor, Rayce Rollins, and fellow Fox student, Kelsey Gallagher, to revamp the website for The Marketing Audit. We worked to make their website more appealing to visitors, increase the e-commerce by adding key words to the website to make it more visible on a Google search, linked buttons on the home page to take visitors to specific parts of the website they may be interested in, and simplify how the content was displayed on various pages throughout the site. I handled the technical aspects of the project, which was mainly making sure the ‘navigation’ of the site was user friendly. This allowed visitors to get to specific parts of the website they desired directly from the home page. I also edited aesthetics of the main page to create a lively setting that potential clients could be drawn in by. By the time we finished, we set up a brand new website theme, organized all the posts in a simplified manner, created a user friendly navigation system to go about the website, inputted pleasing aesthetics throughout the site, and edited wording throughout the website to increase website traffic through simple Google searches. I enjoyed working alongside this creative and dependable team, while getting to use technical skills I have learned from my classes that I have taken so far. I hope The Marketing Audit is able to see fruitful changes with this update, and I look forward to seeing their business grow.

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