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  • Business analysis
  • Data analytics
  • Financial systems
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My love for Math started 10 years ago when I was in primary school. I refused to study any subject but for Math. Throughout my secondary school and high school, I was in a Math-specialized class where we spent 20-25 hours per week studying this subject. We explored every field in Math: arithmetic, advanced algebra, calculus, statistics, combinations, geometry,… Before coming to college, I would like to study a field where I could apply my Math-related skills to real life. That’s why I chose Finance and MIS because with the critical thinking and analytical skills I gained through studying the subject, these two fields would be perfect for me.


I love playing poker and somehow I think the game really connects with my study. I started playing poker last summer and the game really caught on to me. To me, Poker is not just a gambling game. I realize it requires a lot of logic thinking, sharp acumen, fearless mindset, and luck. It’s similar to investment because I will make a decision with my data analysis skills. There will be times when I need accurate and fearless judgment, as in when to attack and when to back down. There will be times when I become adventurous, accepting the risk to in return for a big reward. With a portion of luck added to the mix, I believe that will be the formula for success.


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