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Cloud-based analytics

Cloud-based analytics is performing extraction of data using the cloud-based networks such as Birst, Good-Data, Micro-Strategy, IBM analytics in the cloud, etc.  Cloud-based analytics provides users with Business Intelligence (BI) and predictive analysis.  It also gives you access to the data immediately and easily.  Amazon hosted data is a significant component of the cloud-based analytics.  It enables users to quickly connect to the network.  Cloud-based analytics also makes virtualitizing easier which ultimately helps in reporting critical decisions and reports on a real time basis.  Some of the other reasons why Cloud-based analytics is at an advantage are: Cost reduction, Faster, better decision making, and new products and services (SAS 1).  All of these advantages makes the Cloud-based analytics a better tool overall than the traditional analytics tools.

Cloud-based analytics relates to the course work of the Data Analytics class in many different ways.  In class, we used MySQL database and R-Studio to analyze the data which are the traditional ways of analyzing the data.  Cloud-based analytics should be taken into consideration for the class due to a high demand within the technology industry and by the employers.  An example of Cloud-based analytics would be using the Google Sheets application to analyze the data by using tools like data analysis, pivot table, graphs, charts, etc.  A real life example of using the Cloud-based analytics is the IBM Analytics in the Cloud.  IBM’s cloud products are designed to accelerate the ability to turn information about customers, finance, risk and operations into insights and profits (IBM 1).


Works Cited

“Three Big Benefits of Big Data Analytics.” Analytics, Business Intelligence and Data

Management. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.

“IBM Analytics in the cloud.” IBM Analytics in the cloud. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.



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