Managing Information in the Enterprise

Team Case Preparation

Assignment #1 and #2: Case Presentations – Group assignment, 12.5% each of total grade

Due December  21, 2014


On day 4, the groups will lead the discussion regarding one of the case studies we are covering in the course. Each group will take a particular position regarding some aspect of the case (see below). The groups are expected to prepare outside of class. The assignments are as follows:


Day 4 (Morning): Volkswagen of America: Managing IT Priorities

Groups 1 and 2: What did Volkswagen get right regarding its method of prioritizing IT projects?

Groups 3 and 4: What did Volkswagen get wrong regarding its method of prioritizing IT projects?


Day 4 (Afternoon): IT Doesn’t Matter

Groups 1 and 2: Things have evolved significantly since Carr wrote these articles.  Based on the assertions Carr makes in his articles, what opportunities exist for companies?

Groups 3 and 4:  Based on the assertions Carr makes in his articles, what pitfalls exist for companies?


The presentations should be short (approximately 10 minutes).  PowerPoint should be used to illustrate key points. The group’s grade will be based on content, delivery, and professionalism.  All members of your group will receive the same grade.

Submit the case study analysis via email to me (at by the end of session in which we discuss the case.


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