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275 Points
1035 Points
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DigITal Accelerator Development Program

I accepted a full time job opportunity from Bristol Myers Squibb, they are a global biopharmaceutical company and I learned about this position from the IT Career Fair. I am going to be apart of their DigITal Accelerator Development Program and will be working in their Princeton, NJ office. This is a 2 year rotational program where I could be placed in various areas of their technology related departments. Some potential areas I may work in could be Cybersecurity Risk Assessment , Business Analysis, Product Management, and so many other areas. My major in MIS helped me get this position because it prepared me with knowledge in so many different areas of information technology. I plan on using everything I learned from my MIS courses in this position and am so grateful for this opportunity and for the MIS department for preparing their students so well.

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