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About me

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My name is Anni Cao. I’m 21 years old. I’m currently a Junior in Management Information System (MIS) major at the Fox School of Business. I’m an international student from China. I studied abroad in America since I was 14 years old after I finished middle school. I studied at St. Anthony’s High School in New York for four years. Then, I came to Temple University in 2018 and I plan to graduate in 2022.

I chose the major because I’d like to work in the business area with some computer skills. Besides having some major courses, I joined Temple University Association for Information System (AIS) in Spring 2020. It helps me to learn more about MIS and develop my professional skills through participating in different meetings and doing technical development workshops.

I want to learn more technical skills in web designing and programming. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to meet new people and expand my worldview.

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