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MIS 3406 — Cloud Architecture

Green Computing and Edge Computing

  • A brief overview of the topics (i.e., what is it and why is it important).
    • Green cloud computing refers to using cloud resources in a more environmentally friendly way.  It’s an approach to reducing energy consumption from data centers and other cloud infrastructure while maximizing energy efficiency.  This is important because the data centers emit huge amounts of carbon dioxide and companies should be environmentally conscious of their contribution to climate change. Cloud computing accounted for two percent of carbon emissions based on a report published by Gartner (Radu, 2017). By adopting green cloud computing practices, it’s less harmful to the planet.
    • Edge computing refers to devices having the ability to process data locally/closer to the source rather than at a data center. If the gathered data does need to be sent to a data center, only the most important data and not the entire dataset is transmitted. This is important because it helps reduce latency and increase response times. 
  • How the topic relates to the material we have covered in MIS3406. How does it build on the concepts covered in the course? What are the related topics in MIS3406?
    • Edge computing relates to class material from week 2 and what are considered cloud native technologies. If every “edge” device were to be its own “data center” then those devices would have to follow the 5 principles for being cloud-native. Also, since we learned how to use AWS we can perform actions on the dataset that are on the edge device.
  • How the topics relate to each other. In what ways are the concepts related? How would the technologies work with each other?
    • Green cloud computing refers to using cloud technologies in a more sustainable way. The data centers that companies contribute to pollution by emitting carbon dioxide which accelerates global warming. With the use of edge computing, it would reduce the amount of emissions and energy consumption created by data centers. The data collected on the edge devices wouldn’t need to be sent over long distances to data centers. Therefore, those data centers wouldn’t need to consume as much energy to process and filter data. This would allow businesses to use the least amount of computing resources while being more cost effective. 
  • An example that describes how these tools or techniques have been applied in practice.
    • One of the examples from Shifting from Cloud Computing to Green Cloud and Edge Computing was using both technologies in autonomous vehicles. The self-driving car would send data to the manufacturer to monitor any necessary maintenance issues (Chaurasia et al., p. 7). 



Chaurasia, N., Goyal, D., Khanna, A., & Pareek, P. (2023, March 14). Shifting from cloud computing to Green Cloud and edge computing. SSRN. Retrieved April 27, 2023, from 

Radu, L.-D. (2017, November 30). Green cloud computing: A literature survey. MDPI. Retrieved April 27, 2023, from

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