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Test Automation with Python

The Test Automation with Python series is created by Headspin University. In this short course, I learned two different types of testing, automated and manual in testing applications, Appium and Selenium. I learnt that the main goal of testing is to use creativity and technology to build and execute special material for software. Testing the software should ensure the quality and accuracy of the software. We could test multiple test methods to test different things to ensure functionality, performance, accessbility, etc., such as individual units of code, test API’s, test integrations between backend services and test UI. The test is performed through two types of method, manual and automated. Manual testing is an act of using an app the way a user would or exercising an app component in a one-off way. To also write software to test the app under test, we use the automated method. Usually while testing, it is very helpful to remember three dimensions that we can use to define any type of test, test target, test type and test method. These targets specify what component we are trying to ensure quality for.

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