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LGLS 1101- Learned about the legal environment within the business world. This course goes into the legal systems that is crucial for all business majors to know and what happens within the courts. I learned a lot in this course about court trials and different terms used within the legal system. This is a great course because it’s very important to understand the legal issues you could face within the business world. Additionally, learning new laws that affect peoples’ everyday lives is very important and having an understanding is very helpful to becoming a business major.

HRM 1101-  Learned about the organizational leadership and performances business use today. In this course students learn the insides of a business and how different parts communicate with one another. This course also showed the importance of resume building, professional development, and internships. It’s a great intro course for the Fox because it shows you what the real business world is like and how to have step over the competition.

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